Zahidi Neale, Healing Artist

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What are CHAKRAS?

One healing method I have learned is how to balance the Chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit term which means “rotating wheel” and refers to the Energy Centers in the ethereal and emotional bodies that surround and integrate with the physical body. When energy does not flow freely through and from the Chakras, the body may not function properly. We can re-establish the free flow of energy in order to return to homeostasis, or balance.  

The Chakras have been studied for over 5000 years. The locations of the Chakras correspond to our bodies’ nerve ganglia and endocrine systems. So the entire body and its functions are energetically connected to our Chakras like the nerves which generate out from them and by the endocrine glands' energies associated with them. Keeping our Chakras in balance may keep us healthy.

Every part of our body vibrates at a specific frequency. Each of the Chakras has a specific sound associated with it. Colors also vibrate at a specific frequency, and each Chakra has a color associated with it. So use of color and sound may return balance to our Chakras. Volatile aromatic plant compounds also vibrate at different rates and may influence the flow of Chakra energy. Anointing with Essential Oils may augment the flow of energy very rapidly during a healing session because the olfactory region connects to the hypothalamus, which controls the  hormonal system by influencing the pituitary.

1st Chakra: “ROOT” Color RED, Note C, Location: coccyx, perineum.  ADRENALS

2nd Chakra: “SACRAL” Color ORANGE, Note D, Location: Abdomen below the navel. GONADS

3rd Chakra: “SOLAR PLEXUS” Color: YELLOW, Note E, Location: between navel and diaphragm. PANCREAS

4th Chakra: “HEART” Color: GREEN, Note F, Location: Sternum in center of chest, THYMUS

5th Chakra: “THROAT” Color: BLUE, Note: G, Location:  Throat, Clavicle. THYROID

6th Chakra: “BROW” Color: INDIGO, Note: A, Location: Central Forehead.  PITUITARY

7th Chakra: “CROWN” Color: VIOLET, Note: B, Location: Top of Head, PINEAL

More about Chakra Balancing

Quantum theory may explain how bio-energetic healing works, or not, depending on who is doing the research and their mind-set. This is the nature of quantum. But we think that electrons move around the nucleus of an atom, planets revolve around their suns, everything moves and therefore everything vibrates. Where there is vibration, we think there is energy, sound and light. In my opinion we can have influence over these vibrations with our thoughts and prayers and with creative visualization, which all have their own energy vibrations. I have given and received these energies enough to know for myself that they exist and that the intention of the Healer creates Energy.