
Contact Me
The SeaWall Series
Spindle Series
The City Series
Katrina Dolls
Zahidi Neale Biography
Zahidi Neale Resume
About Raku
Containers of Energy: Statement
Tree Series
Funerary Vessels Information
Contact Me

I prefer Paypal.

I do not sell items to collectors for less than the prices marked in my affiliated galleries, and my galleries get their percentage from me if you saw the piece there. Please don't ask me to undercut gallery prices. 

My email address is
z n e a l e @ p g t c . com  without the spaces. You will have to type it in yourself or delete the spaces if you copy/past. This foils some of the bots that harvest emails for spam. Sorry.

My clay studio is closed until I build a new one in 2014. I recently relocated to Hogeye, AR and eventually will have an art and healing retreat open for you to enjoy a nice vacation.  

K12 stoneware with copper 7.5 tall

HEALING TOUCH and Massage Therapy

Figurative Art Portfolio

Portraits, Still Life and Landscape Portfolio