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Zahidi Neale's Drawing Instruction

I was certified to teach Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain in 2000. The seat of human creativity is the Right Mode of the Brain. Access to this can be taught. Breathing, Meditation, Music and Art are avenues to better accessing this part of the Brain. I also practice Healing Touch, as this is another way to "go" into R Mode.

Images of my art may not be used in any form without my written permission. I have the written permission of my students to use their drawings.

I teach private drawing lessons at my studio or at your home or office. The lesson usually takes 90 minutes and I charge $60 per hour plus mileage. The number of lessons to complete the course varies with individuals and how much homework they are willing to do. The entire course package of private lessons is $840 prepaid.
I can teach groups of 5 to 10 students in a class situation, usually once a week in three-hour lessons for eight weeks. I also teach a five day or two weekend seminar. I must have a quiet environment where I can control the lighting. Contact me for prices and scheduling for groups.

Certified Instructor

Sura post

This is a self portrait done by my friend Linda Sura, who is an accomplished artist, but who did not draw people before she took the course from me. It is a very sensitive and accurate drawing.

The DRSB program was developed by Dr. Betty Edwards to teach people how to perceive in new ways, in order to draw realistically. The technique has been perfected at University of California at Long Beach for over 20 years. My instructor was Arlene Cartozian, a very gifted and inspiring teacher who has worked with Dr. Edwards teaching at Long Beach UC for over two decades. I specialize in teaching adults and children who cannot draw at all. But those who could already draw who took my classes demonstrated remarkable improvement in their skills!
There are numerous teachers illegally offering courses called "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain." This title can only be used legally by a graduate of the teacher training course approved by Dr. Edwards. Check to see that your teacher has a certificate proving that they have this education. Otherwise you may be paying for an inferior instruction.

This website is full of images of students' work before and after they took my class in Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. I teach children over ten years old and adults, using the techniques that Dr. Edwards has used so successfully. I have used several different methods to teach children to draw, but I have discovered that they improve their perception skills faster with the DRSB method, just as adults do.

My college drawing classes taught me little, except for Chalita Robinson's Figure class, in which she used Dr. Edwards' and Nicolaides techniques!  Finally in 1992 I read and USED the methods in Dr. Edwards book and made very rewarding improvements in my ability. True confidence came after I took the first course from Linda Witcher in Orange CA in 1995. I know the DRSB method works, which is why I teach it.
To the right is a list of the supplies that the students use in my course. A Certified DRSB instructor will make extensive use of the Viewfinder and help you develop your sighting skills through measuring.
As far as art forms go, drawing is extremely economical for the student to pursue. Framing the finished works can be the most costly part of the process, as works on paper require acid free matboard and foundation in order to remain sound over a long period. As long as the drawing paper is of good quality, they will maintain their integrity for many decades.
You will also need something to carry and store your supplies. Artbin makes a nice small case for drawing tools, but many tackle and tool boxes are available at craft and hardware stores that are quite acceptable.

Self portrait of Zahidi Neale 1997

This self portrait of Zahidi demonstrates the subtractive technique DRSB students are taught to use to depict the shapes of light and shadow.


Supplies Needed for Drawing Class


We will discuss all these items in class and you will be taught how to use them.  For the first 3 hour session you absolutely have to have a #2 (HB) pencil, an eraser and 5 sheets of drawing paper. You will be given certain subjects to draw and bring to the first class so that you will have a base to use for comparison as you progress in skill. 


You can order a complete kit from https://xdrawright.merchantquest.net/cgi-bin/cart/view_item/c=11/ if money is no object.


Blenders- 2 Chamois (soft leather) pieces- Any brand, approx 2” or larger. I buy a big piece at the auto supply store and cut it up. Get the soft stuff.  5-8 cotton puffs or pads; Stump-medium or large, several small Tortillions, any Brand


Drawing Paper- 50-90 lb. 9x12: approx 24 sheets loose or pad, acid free, medium tooth, any brand, suggest Canson 80lb


Erasers- Kneadable, medium Design brand; 3-10 pencil tip erasers; white plastic, Alvin or Mars, small


Graphite Stick- #4B small


Measuring Stick- a coffee stirrer, straw, wooden skewer, etc


Pen- black overhead marker, NOT dryerase, any brand, Vis-à-vis suggested.


Pencils- a #2 (HB), a 4B, a 6B, an Ebony or Layout. Any brand, suggest Design or Turquoise brands for smoothness.


Drawing Board-1/4” to 1/8” Masonite, sanded wood, etc, at least 12”x15”; add small spring clips to hold paper, padded with smooth papers. You can get a fancy one with a handle cut into it and a built in spring clip and elastic band, but the cheap homemade works as well.


Eraser Shield- Any brand, suggest Alvin #3298


Pencil Sharpener-small handheld, rotary. I have an electric in my studio.

SMALL snap blade knife or exacto to cut erasers. scalpel will work.


2 Viewfinders, Plexiglas; 1 Angle Finder, red gel sheet value viewer, acrylic. These items will be provided ONCE by instructor ($20 value)

Sometimes I have supplies available for sale. Contact me if you don't have time to go shopping.

"Shadowlawn" by Zahidi

Remember when you were little and loved to draw, color and paint for hours? Most children, when they reach about ten years of age begin to want to make their art look “real.” Usually there is no one to show them how to do that, so they just quit drawing and making art because they think they should just be “able” to make realistic drawings if they are a “real” artist, and if the things in their drawings don’t look real, they think their art must be bad. This leads sometimes to the next logical step and they begin to think that they aren’t creative.  How wrong!


Over many years of managing life in this Left Brain Number Crunching Culture of ours, some lose touch with the quiet flow of creativity. How sad. What happened to that creative artist? Still there, just waiting to emerge again!
